The deadline for Classified adverts is at 5:30pm on the 1st of each month prior to publication. If the 1st falls on a weekend or Back Holiday, the deadline for adverts submitted via post or phone will be the last weekday of the month. Refunds cannot be given after the 1st of the month deadline.
Submission Deadlines |
Enjoying MG |
- | January issue released 28th December |
1st January | February issue released 27th January |
1st February | March issue released 25th February |
1st March | April issue released 26th March |
1st April | May issue released 25th April |
1st May | June issue released 27th May |
1st June | July issue released 25th June |
1st July | August issue released 28th July |
1st August | September issue released 26th August |
1st September | October issue released 25th September |
1st October | November issue released 27th October |
1st November | December issue released 26th November |
1st December | January issue released 23rd December |
Advertising Options:
‘Enjoying MG’ magazine is the best and most cost-effective media for advertising your MG, being sent out to our entire membership each month. The standard advert consists of a max. 30 words and can include a photograph of the car at no additional cost. A double-column advert is twice the size of the standard ad, consisting of 30 words, and helps to attract the potential buyers’ attention by displaying a colour photograph twice the size of the standard advert.
Internet adverts: Will appear on the 1st of the month to coincide with the release of Enjoying MG. e.g. an advert appearing in the November magazine will feature on the website from the 1st of November.
Please ensure all parts of an advert (text, photograph, payment) are with us by the deadline, otherwise we cannot guarantee advert placement in a particular issue.
Photograph/Image for an Advert:
One digital image is to be submitted with the online submission form in Jpeg format at between 200-300 dpi, no larger than 4Mb. If you are experiencing problems attaching your image, please submit your advert without the photograph and send this separately as a Jpeg to advertising@mgownersclub.co.uk, quoting either your membership number or postcode as provided on your advert submission.
If you would like to send a hardcopy photograph to be matched with your text, please send this to: The Advertising Dept., The MG Owners Club, Octagon House, Swavesey, Cambridge, CB24 4QZ. Mark the photograph on the reverse with your name, membership number, address and telephone number.
Only one car to be advertised per advert. 30 words max. per advert.